Welcome Conference, sunday 29th, ULB

The welcome conference will take place at the Bibliothèque CIERL, 17 av. F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles, in presence of prof. Thierry Kellner (ULB) and of Mrs Simone Susskind.

Thierry Kellner is a lecturer at ULB department of Political science, where is gives lectures about China’s foreign policy. He is also a member of the centre « Training and Research in international politics » (REPI-ULB) and an associate researcher at Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS), a centre specialised in Contemporary China. He has recently published a GRIP analysis on the “L’Iran et la Turquie face au «printemps arabe» . Thierry Kellner will discuss the Geopolitical consequences of the Arab springs.

Simone Susskind  was President of the Jewish Secular Community Center (Brussels). She founded Actions in the Mediterranean (AIM) in 1995.  She is an activist for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Women’s rights and Human Rights.  She is Dr. Honoris Causa of the ULB (2000) and was made Baroness by King Albert II in 2012. She has been elected to the Brussels-Capital Region last May. Mrs Susskind will give a talk about the “Challenges and opportunities for Civil Society in Europe and in the Arab world around the Arab Spring”

Pole Bernheim